Monday, August 9, 2010

Island Life

So, I promised some jolly good stories.

To be honest, I'm not sure whether to start with the ping pong show, the ladyboys, the skinny dipping incident or the tale of the drunken-boy-in-my-bed-so-I-had-to-sleep-outside. Nor am I sure if I have the attention span to write about things in the past right now. But faites vos jeux, cast your votes, and if you're dying to hear any of the above then ask away. I may or may not write a blog post just for you. Or just amble along and wait for me to write in the present, and then recount them at a later date. Maybe. If I remember.

I've spent the last ages on Koh Tao and adopted about 5 stray dogs (which don't act like strays at all. They sit and are very polite and hardly have any fleas at all) and I think I've fallen in love with this place. It's a bugger about all the other tourists though.

I spend most days waking up early and strolling on the beach with my dogs, then hitting the beach for a swim and a snorkel before picking up some friends and finding something fun to do. This really is like a holiday from my holiday.

Most importantly though, I found a coconut on the beach, cracked it open all by myself (thank you pair of scissors!) and ate it all, and it wasn't rotten. I've now checked off another one of the things I have to do before I die. SCORE.

1 comment:

Barry said...

In these parts, it’s more like Grimaces This Way.

I drove through Thornton Heath a little earlier and saw a very drunk, blue-collar type urinating outside a kebaberie. He was leaning in through the door, his hands rested on either side of the frame supporting his massive bulk, with his cock spewing gallons of p*ss onto the tiled floor.

Wish you were here?!

Count me in for the ping pong, Su.